L-Tyrosine (500 mg)™ från Thorne 90 tabletter.
L-phenylalanine is an essential amino acid which can be converted to L-tyrosine by a complex biochemical process which takes place in the liver. L-tyrosine can be converted by neurons in the brain and in the adrenal medulla of the adrenal glands to dopamine, norepinephrine (noradrenaline), and epinephrine hormones which are depleted by stress, overwork, and certain drugs. By replenishing norepinephrine in the brain, mental energy levels are enhanced and a feeling of contentment often occurs.
Zinc Citrate (30 mg)™ från Thorne 60 tabletter..
Zinc: Promoting immune function and more
Zinc is a mineral that stimulates the activity of approximately 100 enzymes, which are substances that promote bio-chemical reactions in your body. These reactions are essential for the formation of superoxide dismutase, one of the body’s most important free radical scavengers. Zinc also promotes immune function, taste sensitivity, protein and DNA synthesis, insulin production, and reproductive function including organ development and sperm motility. Additionally, zinc also supports normal growth and development during pregnancy, childhood, and adolescence.
Manganese Picolinate™ från Thorne 60 tabletter.
Manganese is an essential trace mineral involved in many key functions in the body. It plays a role in energy production, in normal bone formation and development, and in the synthesis of many vital cellular biochemicals such as collagen, prothrombin, urea, mucopolysaccharides (glucosamine and chondroitin), fatty acids and protein. In addition, manganese is involved with one of the types of superoxide dismutase, a major body antioxidant protector.
Magnesium Citrate (140 mg)™ från Thorne 90 tabletter.
Magnesium (Mg) is a trace mineral that is required for several hundred different biochemical reactions in the body, and is needed by every cell. Half of the magnesium stores are found inside cells of body tissues and organs, and half are combined with calcium and phosphorus in the bone - a tiny amount is found in the blood, which the body works very hard to keep at a constant level. The magnesium content of refined foods is usually low. Water can provide magnesium, but the amount varies according to the water supply.
B Complex 5 från Thorne 60 tabletter.
Pantothenic acid is the substrate for the synthesis of Coenzyme A which acts as a carrier of acyl groups in reactions involving oxidation and synthesis of fatty acids, acetylation reactions and oxidative decarboxylations. It is essential for adrenal and immune function.